2016 MCHAP

Olympic Golf Course Clubhouse Rio 2016
Pedro Évora and Pedro Rivera
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 2015
Pedro Évora / Rua Arquitetos Pedro Rivera / Rua Arquitetos
Roberto Costa / Rua Arquitetos (Architect) Mariana Magalhães Costa / Rua Arquitetos (Architect) Aliki Kostopoulou / Rua Arquitetos (Architect) Paula Lopes Barba / Rua Arquitetos (Architect) Giordana Pacini / Rua Arquitetos (Intern) Eve Laville / Rua Arquitetos (Intern)
Carlos Favoreto
Leonardo Finotti
The core idea behind the clubhouse design was to produce an atmosphere that is defined by a generous relation between inside and outside: we wanted a place where people could gather together, relax and enjoy the natural air, as if the whole building was a huge veranda. To achieve this quality, we used and reconfigured a repertoire of spatial solutions and techniques, sometimes anchored in the tradition of modern Brazilian architecture, to produce a careful transition between architecture and nature, as well as defining spatial qualities that respond to the climate. A large and open shadowed space was defined as the main feature of the design. It was made possible by 40x40m lightweight monumental canopy that configures a central square that oversights the golf course and around which pavilions with the program activities are organized. Elevated 9m high, the element fluctuates over the rest of the building and defines the image of the project.
The Olympic Game is part of a strategy to reposition Rio de Janeiro in the global context. It represents a moment of major urban transformations, with both positive and negative aspects, and therefore it needs a careful attention. As a local office that is engaged with the public dimension of architecture, we were interested in being part in these transformations. The design call for the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Clubhouse had the scale of our possibilities and was a good opportunity to explore particular building qualities related to Rio, as a counterpoint to the generic solutions that most of the Olympic venues normally represent. It was important that the project could be recognized as a Brazilian design, that it could resemble our architectural culture. The outdoor nature of the golf, and to the lack of other references - the sport is back to the Olympic Games after a 100 years break, allowed the proposal to became both an argument and a test ground for the considerations above, with particular attention to the city's climate and lifestyle. It was also a possibility to reconnect to the Lucio Costa's master plan original vision for Barra da Tijuca neighborhood, where the project is located, that imagined a generous relation between landscape and architecture, slowly substituted by fenced condos and shopping malls. Under these circumstances, the relation to Brazilian modern tradition was a natural inspiration in terms of repertoire and spatial qualities, being easily recognizable in the design of the building.