2014 MCHAP
Bodegas Tesistán
Estudio Macías Peredo + CoA Arquitectura
Guadalajara, Mexico
December 2012
Salvador Macías Magui Peredo Francisco Gutierrez
Mariana Orozco (Architect Collaborator) Hector Covarrubias (Architect Collaborator)
Kido Ishikawa
Daniel Robles Salvador Macias
The building is sited in a field adjacent to an important avenue along almost 100 meters, of which the largest percentage, is the winery raised in a schema in "L". In the vertex, a volume with its own character hosts the offices and services for workers. The space of the cellar is a sequence of simple rigid frames. The presence of the building before the avenue required a special treatment for the facade. In response to the topography is generates a basement concrete that coincides with the level of interior floor, this is built on the facade of black block with parts of vitroblock interspersed that produce a set of lights inside-outside depending on the hour. The volume of individual offices define some concrete walls with a pace of vain vertical floor to ceiling. One of the walls enters the winery in diagonal intersect LEO its orthogonal geometry and thus dividing the office areas of the service. The mezzanine floor slabs and roof is broken down into two points to give way to the natural light to the lower level. The first in the space created between the concrete wall and the areas of service, the second forming a central strip and longitudinal in the area of offices, which houses the ladder, sorts and articulates the different spaces by means of bridges. All of the materials are exposed. For the slabs metal beams, steel and concrete slab and divisions of the spaces a system of vertical fajillas pine, angles of black aluminum and glass.
Customers requesting a space where they could have offices, area to train, private offices and area to store your product, required divisions enable the passing of the light, the visual continuity and modular flexibility to suit different uses.
The project is located in an area of the city highly industrialised and commercial, where there is a lot of traffic, but nevertheless, there are houses around. The materials were chosen for that shape the project were designed to be integrated with the context.